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Index: V

v command (ex) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 9, Reference: v
-v option (awk)
sed & awk, 7.10. Passing Parameters Into a Script
sed & awk, 10.4. A Menu-Based Command Generator
vacation command : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: vacation
val command (SCCS) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: val
variable modifiers, C shell : UNIX in a Nutshell, 5.3.2. Variable Modifiers
variable substitution
Learning the Korn Shell, 7.3. Command-line Processing
UNIX Power Tools, 1.5. Anyone Can Program the Shell
UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.3.1. Variable Substitution
Learning the Korn Shell, 3. Customizing Your Environment
Learning the Korn Shell, 3.4. Shell Variables
Learning the Korn Shell, 4.2. Shell Variables
UNIX Power Tools, 46.7. Quoting and Command-Line Parameters
sed & awk, 7.6. Expressions
sed & awk, B.2.5.3. Variables
(see also shell variables; under specific variable name)
arrays : (see arrays)
assigning input to
Learning the Korn Shell, 3.4. Shell Variables
sed & awk, 10.1.2. Assigning the Input to a Variable
awk system variables : UNIX in a Nutshell, 11.4. Awk System Variables
as Boolean patterns : sed & awk, 11.1.4. Variables as Boolean Patterns
Bourne shell syntax : UNIX Power Tools, 47.2.5. Variable Syntax
built-in : (see built-in variables)
C shell
UNIX Power Tools, 47.2.5. Variable Syntax
UNIX Power Tools, 47.4.1. Variables
UNIX in a Nutshell, 5.3. Variables
compared to conventional programming languages
environment : (see environment variables)
errors caused by : UNIX Power Tools, 46.5. Stop Syntax Errors in String Tests
finding directories and files : UNIX Power Tools, 14.10. Variables Help You Find Directories and Files
global : Learning the Korn Shell, Positional parameters in functions
Learning the Korn Shell, 6.2. Integer Variables and Arithmetic
Learning the Korn Shell, 6.2.2. Arithmetic Variables and Assignment
Learning the Korn Shell, 6.3.4. Type and Attribute Options
Learning the Korn Shell, A.1. The Bourne Shell
(see also arithmetic expressions; let command; typeset command, type and attribute options, -i)
listing : Learning the Korn Shell, 6.3.5. Function Options
local (in functions)
Learning the Korn Shell, Positional parameters in functions
Learning the Korn Shell, 6.3.2. Local Variables in Functions
local vs. global : sed & awk, 9.3. Writing Your Own Functions
multiple : UNIX Power Tools, 45.17. Making a for Loop with Multiple Variables
in next ksh release : Learning the Korn Shell, A.7. The Future of the Korn Shell
pattern-matching operators : (see pattern matching, operators for)
positional parameters : (see positional parameters)
quoting rules and : Learning the Korn Shell, 3.4.1. Variables and Quoting
scope control (tawk) : sed & awk, Tawk language extensions
set to argv : UNIX Power Tools, 46.7. Quoting and Command-Line Parameters
set to word lists : UNIX Power Tools, 46.7. Quoting and Command-Line Parameters
sh and ksh shells : UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.3. Variables
shell : (see shell variables)
string operators : (see string operators)
in subshells : UNIX Power Tools, 13.8. Using {list} to Group Bourne Shell Commands
system : (see system variables)
tracing : UNIX Power Tools, 8.17. verbose and echo Variables Show Quoting
value of
full syntax : Learning the Korn Shell, 4.2.2. More on Variable Syntax
short form : Learning the Korn Shell, 3.4. Shell Variables
Learning the Korn Shell, 1.6.2. Filenames and Wildcards
Learning the Korn Shell, 1.7.3. Pipelines
Learning the Korn Shell, Regular expression basics
Learning the Korn Shell, 4.4. Command Substitution
Learning the Korn Shell, 5.2. for
Learning the Korn Shell, 8. Process Handling
emulating : UNIX Power Tools, 1.8. There Are Many Shells
vc command (obsolete) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: vc
vedit editor : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: vedit
verbose shell variable
UNIX Power Tools, 6.9. Special C Shell Variables
UNIX Power Tools, 8.17. verbose and echo Variables Show Quoting
UNIX in a Nutshell, 5.3.3. Predefined Shell Variables
verifying : (see testing)
version command (ex) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 9, Reference: version
awk utility
UNIX Power Tools, 33.12. Versions of awk
sed & awk, Availability of sed and awk
sed & awk, 11.1. Original awk
sed & awk, 11.2.2. Bell Labs awk
Korn shell, determining : Learning the Korn Shell, Korn Shell Versions
Learning the Korn Shell, 1.3. History of UNIX Shells
Learning the UNIX Operating System, Versions of UNIX
UNIX Power Tools, About UNIX Versions
vertical alignment : (see alignment/positioning)
vertical bar : (see |)
vertical spacing : (see whitespace)
vgrep script
UNIX Power Tools, 15.8. Getting a List of Non-Matching Files with grep -c
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
vi commands
@-functions : Learning the vi Editor, 7.3.9. @-Functions
abbreviated words : Learning the vi Editor, 7.3.1. Word Abbreviation
append text (a)
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3. Simple Edits
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3.2. Appending Text
append text to end of line (A) : Learning the vi Editor, 2.4. More Ways to Insert Text
case sensitivity of : Learning the vi Editor, 1. The vi Text Editor
change character (r) : Learning the vi Editor, Characters other
change lines (cc)
Learning the vi Editor, Lines
Learning the vi Editor, 2.4. More Ways to Insert Text
change text (c)
Learning the vi Editor, 1. The vi Text Editor
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3. Simple Edits
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3.3. Changing Text
Learning the vi Editor, 2.6. Review of Basic vi Commands
Learning the vi Editor, 4.1. More Command Combinations
change text to end of line (C) : Learning the vi Editor, Lines
change words (cw)
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3.3. Changing Text
Learning the vi Editor, Words
combine edits and movement : Learning the vi Editor, 4.1. More Command Combinations
command mode : Learning the vi Editor, 2.1. vi Commands
copy (yank) text (y)
Learning the vi Editor, 1. The vi Text Editor
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3. Simple Edits
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3.7. Copying Text
Learning the vi Editor, 2.6. Review of Basic vi Commands
Learning the vi Editor, 4.1. More Command Combinations
Learning the vi Editor, 4.3.2. Yanking to Named Buffers
delete character (x) : Learning the vi Editor, Characters
delete line (dd) : Learning the vi Editor, Lines
delete text (d)
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3. Simple Edits
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3.5. Deleting Text Chapter
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3.7. Copying Text
Learning the vi Editor, 2.6. Review of Basic vi Commands
Learning the vi Editor, 4.1. More Command Combinations
delete to end of line (D) : Learning the vi Editor, Lines
delete up to pattern (d/pattern) : Learning the vi Editor, 3.3.2. Current Line Searches
delete word (dw) : Learning the vi Editor, Words
display current line number (^G)
Learning the vi Editor, 3.4. Movement by Line Number
Learning the vi Editor, 3.4.1. The G (Go To) Command if
filter text through UNIX command : Learning the vi Editor, 7.2.1. Filtering Text Through a Command
general form : Learning the vi Editor, Words
insert text (i)
Learning the vi Editor, 1. The vi Text Editor
Learning the vi Editor, 2.1. vi Commands
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3. Simple Edits
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3.1. Inserting New Text
insert text at beginning of line (I) : Learning the vi Editor, 2.4. More Ways to Insert Text
join lines (J) : Learning the vi Editor, 2.5. Joining Two Lines with J
mapped to function keys : Learning the vi Editor, 7.3.7. Mapping Function Keys
mapping : Learning the vi Editor, 7.3.2. Using the map Command
mark a place in file (m) : Learning the vi Editor, 4.4. Marking Your Place
move cursor by character
Learning the vi Editor, 2.2.1. Single Movements
Learning the vi Editor, 2.6. Review of Basic vi Commands
move cursor by line
Learning the vi Editor, 3.1.5. Movement by Line
Learning the vi Editor, Movement on the Current Line
move cursor by screen : Learning the vi Editor, 3.1. Movement by Screens
move cursor by text block : Learning the vi Editor, 3.2. Movement by Text Blocks
move cursor by word
Learning the vi Editor, 2.2.4. Movement by Text Blocks
Learning the vi Editor, 2.6. Review of Basic vi Commands
move cursor to line number n (nG)
Learning the vi Editor, 3.4. Movement by Line Number
Learning the vi Editor, 3.4.1. The G (Go To) Command if
move cursor within a line
Learning the vi Editor, 2.2.3. Movement Within a Line
Learning the vi Editor, 2.6. Review of Basic vi Commands
move cursor within a screen : Learning the vi Editor, 3.1.4. Movement Within a Screen
move text
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3. Simple Edits
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3.6. Moving Text
Learning the vi Editor, Transposing Two Letters
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3.7. Copying Text
numeric arguments with
edit commands : Learning the vi Editor, Words
insert commands : Learning the vi Editor, 2.4.1. Numeric Arguments for Insert Commands
movement commands : Learning the vi Editor, 2.2.2. Numeric Arguments
open a file (vi)
Learning the vi Editor, 1.1. Opening and Closing Files
Learning the vi Editor, 1.1.1. Opening a File
Learning the vi Editor, 1.1.2. Problems Opening Files
Learning the vi Editor, 4.2.1. Advancing to a Specific Place
in read-only mode : Learning the vi Editor, 4.2.2. Read-only Mode
open line for text (O, o) : Learning the vi Editor, 2.4. More Ways to Insert Text
put text (p)
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3. Simple Edits
Learning the vi Editor, Problems with Deletions
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3.6. Moving Text
Learning the vi Editor, Transposing Two Letters
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3.7. Copying Text
Learning the vi Editor, 2.6. Review of Basic vi Commands
Learning the vi Editor, 4.3.2. Yanking to Named Buffers
put text before cursor (P)
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3.6. Moving Text
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3.7. Copying Text
Learning the vi Editor, 4.3.2. Yanking to Named Buffers
quick reference to : Learning the vi Editor, A. Quick Reference
quit and save edits (ZZ)
Learning the vi Editor, 1.1.3. Saving and Quitting a File
Learning the vi Editor, 1.2. Quitting Without Saving Edits
Learning the vi Editor, 1.2.1. Problems Saving Files
Learning the vi Editor, 2.6. Review of Basic vi Commands
recover buffers after system crash : Learning the vi Editor, 4.2.3. Recovering a Buffer
recover deletions with u : Learning the vi Editor, Problems with Deletions
recover numbered buffers (deletions)
Learning the vi Editor, Problems with Deletions
Learning the vi Editor, 4.3.1. Recovering Deletions
repeat last command (.)
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3.8. Repeating or Undoing Your Last Command
Learning the vi Editor, Repeat
Learning the vi Editor, 6.1. Confirming Substitutions
repeat search (n, N)
Learning the vi Editor, 3.3.1. Repeating Searches
Learning the vi Editor, 6.1. Confirming Substitutions
replace character (r) : Learning the vi Editor, Characters other
replace characters (R) : Learning the vi Editor, 2.4. More Ways to Insert Text
Learning the vi Editor, 7.3. Saving Commands
Learning the vi Editor, 7.3.9. @-Functions
scroll screen with cursor stationary (z) : Learning the vi Editor, 3.1.2. Repositioning the Screen with z
search backward for pattern (?) : Learning the vi Editor, 3.3.1. Repeating Searches
search for pattern (/) : Learning the vi Editor, 3.3. Movement by Searches
search within current line : Learning the vi Editor, 3.3.2. Current Line Searches
stop inserting text (ESC) : Learning the vi Editor, 2.1. vi Commands
substitute character (s) : Learning the vi Editor, 2.4. More Ways to Insert Text
substitute line (S) : Learning the vi Editor, 2.4. More Ways to Insert Text
summary of : Learning the vi Editor, 2.6. Review of Basic vi Commands
transpose characters (xp) : Learning the vi Editor, Transposing Two Letters
undo all edits to line (U) : Learning the vi Editor, Undo
undo last (u)
Learning the vi Editor, Problems with Deletions
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3.8. Repeating or Undoing Your Last Command
Learning the vi Editor, Undo
Learning the vi Editor, 6.1. Confirming Substitutions
text (y)
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3. Simple Edits
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3.7. Copying Text
Learning the vi Editor, 2.6. Review of Basic vi Commands
Learning the vi Editor, 4.1. More Command Combinations
text between files : Learning the vi Editor, 5.5.3. Edits Between Files
to named buffers
Learning the vi Editor, 4.3. Making Use of Buffers
Learning the vi Editor, 4.3.2. Yanking to Named Buffers
vi editor
Learning the Korn Shell, 2. Command-line Editing
Learning the Korn Shell, 2.4. Vi Editing Mode
Learning the Korn Shell, 2.6. Finger Habits
Learning the Korn Shell, 3.1. The .profile File
Learning the Korn Shell, Terminal Types
Learning the Korn Shell, 3.5.1. Environment Variables
Learning the Korn Shell, 4.3.2. Patterns and Regular Expressions
Learning the Korn Shell, Korn shell versus awk/egrep regular expressions
Learning the Korn Shell, 8.2.2. Suspending a Job
Learning the Korn Shell, 9. Debugging Shell Programs
Learning the Korn Shell, A.6. Workalikes on PC Platforms
Learning the UNIX Operating System, 4.1. Methods of Creating Files
Learning the vi Editor, 1. The vi Text Editor
sed & awk, 5.6. List
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: vi
UNIX in a Nutshell, 8. The Vi Editor
(see also ex editor; vi commands)
@-functions : UNIX Power Tools, 31.4. vi @-Functions
UNIX Power Tools, 30.31. vi Word Abbreviation
UNIX Power Tools, 31.9. Good Stuff for Your .exrc File
alternate environments (.exrc file)
Learning the vi Editor, 7.1. Customizing vi
Learning the vi Editor, 7.1.2. The .exrc File
alternate environments (EXINIT variable) : Learning the vi Editor, 7.1. Customizing vi
appending to file : UNIX Power Tools, 30.13. Appending to an Existing File
autowrite option : UNIX Power Tools, 12.4. Job Control and autowrite: Real Time Savers!
C included files : UNIX Power Tools, 30.28. Keep Track of Functions and Included Files with ctags and tags
capitalizing words : UNIX Power Tools, 30.17. Capitalizing Every Word on a Line
commands : (see vi commands)
complex macros : UNIX Power Tools, 31.15. Fooling vi into Allowing Complex Macros
compound searches : UNIX Power Tools, 30.27. vi Compound Searches
confirming substitutions : UNIX Power Tools, 30.10. Confirming Substitutions in ex and vi
counting occurrences : UNIX Power Tools, 30.16. Counting Occurrences; Stopping Search Wraps
cursor motion in input mode : UNIX Power Tools, 31.12. Text-Input Mode Cursor Motion with No Arrow Keys
Learning the vi Editor, 7.1. Customizing vi
(see also ex commands, :set)
deleting by patterns : UNIX Power Tools, 30.14. Moving Blocks of Text by Patterns
development of : UNIX Power Tools, 5.2. The Idea of a Terminal Database
entering : (see opening a file (vi) or vi commands)
ex commands in : UNIX in a Nutshell, 9.1. Syntax of Ex Commands
ex open mode : UNIX Power Tools, 30.36. The ex Open Mode Can Be Handy
execute UNIX commands from : Learning the vi Editor, 7.2. Executing UNIX Commands
EXINIT variable : UNIX Power Tools, 6.3. Predefined Environment Variables
.exrc file with : UNIX Power Tools, 4.9. Setting Up vi with the .exrc File
file recovery : UNIX Power Tools, 30.24. vi/ex File Recovery vs. Networked Filesystems
filtering text
UNIX Power Tools, 30.22.2. Filtering Text with vi
UNIX Power Tools, 30.37. Neatening Lines
function keys : UNIX Power Tools, 31.2.1. Command Mode Maps
introduction to : Learning the vi Editor, 1. The vi Text Editor
invoking on multiple files : Learning the vi Editor, 5.5.1. Invoking vi on Multiple Files one
keys not used : UNIX Power Tools, 31.2.1. Command Mode Maps
line vs. character commands : UNIX Power Tools, 30.34. vi Line Commands vs. Character Commands
map commands
UNIX Power Tools, 31.2. Save Time and Typing with the vi map Commands
UNIX Power Tools, 31.6. Protecting Keys from Interpretation by ex
marking : UNIX Power Tools, 30.38. Finding Your Place with Undo
modelines : UNIX Power Tools, 30.19. Modelines: Bug or Feature?
mouse-based editors versus : UNIX Power Tools, 30.3. Mice vs. vi
moving by patterns : UNIX Power Tools, 30.14. Moving Blocks of Text by Patterns
moving/copying text : UNIX Power Tools, 30.8. Get Back What You Deleted with Numbered Buffers
multiple setup files
UNIX Power Tools, 30.20. Multiple Editor Setup Files; Starting with a Search
UNIX Power Tools, 30.21. Per File Setups in Separate Files
multiple vi sessions : UNIX Power Tools, 30.32. Using vi Abbreviations as Commands (Cut and Paste Between vi's)
named buffers : UNIX Power Tools, 30.7. Using Buffers to Move or Copy Text
neatening lines
UNIX Power Tools, 30.37. Neatening Lines
UNIX Power Tools, 31.16. vi Macro for Splitting Long Lines
noremap command : UNIX Power Tools, 31.14. Don't Lose Important Functions with vi Maps: Use noremap
numbered buffers : UNIX Power Tools, 30.8. Get Back What You Deleted with Numbered Buffers
pasting into window : UNIX Power Tools, 31.5. Keymaps for Pasting into a Window Running vi
pattern-matching metacharacters : UNIX in a Nutshell, 6.2. Metacharacters, Listed by UNIX Program
UNIX Power Tools, 30.9. Using Search Patterns and Global Commands
UNIX Power Tools, 30.14. Moving Blocks of Text by Patterns
UNIX Power Tools, 30.27. vi Compound Searches
quoting control characters : UNIX Power Tools, 31.6. Protecting Keys from Interpretation by ex
reverting to saved : UNIX Power Tools, 30.4. Editing Multiple Files with vi
running ex scripts : UNIX Power Tools, 33.5. Running Editing Scripts Within vi
save as new file : UNIX Power Tools, 30.4. Editing Multiple Files with vi
saving as new file : UNIX Power Tools, 30.11. Keep Your Original File, Write to a New File
saving part of file : UNIX Power Tools, 30.12. Saving Part of a File
:set command : UNIX in a Nutshell, 8.10.1. The :set Command
set directory command : UNIX Power Tools, 30.35. Out of Temporary Space? Use Another Directory
UNIX Power Tools, 30.6. Local Settings for vi and ex
UNIX Power Tools, 30.18. Setting vi Options Automatically for Individual Files
shell escapes : UNIX Power Tools, 30.26. Shell Escapes: Running One UNIX Command While Using Another
spell command with : UNIX Power Tools, 29.3. How Do I Spell That Word?
startup commands : UNIX Power Tools, 30.6. Local Settings for vi and ex
stopping search wraps : UNIX Power Tools, 30.16. Counting Occurrences; Stopping Search Wraps
switching between files : UNIX Power Tools, 30.4. Editing Multiple Files with vi
tags files : UNIX Power Tools, 30.28. Keep Track of Functions and Included Files with ctags and tags
transfer text between files : UNIX Power Tools, 30.5. Edits Between Files
undoing changes
UNIX Power Tools, 30.8. Get Back What You Deleted with Numbered Buffers
UNIX Power Tools, 30.10. Confirming Substitutions in ex and vi
UNIX Power Tools, 30.38. Finding Your Place with Undo
yank buffers : UNIX Power Tools, 30.5. Edits Between Files
Learning the Korn Shell, Summary of Korn Shell Features
Learning the Korn Shell, 2.4. Vi Editing Mode
Learning the Korn Shell, Options to print
Learning the Korn Shell, 10.2.3. Types of Global Customization
basic control mode commands : Learning the Korn Shell, 2.4.1. Simple Control Mode Commands
case-changing command : Learning the Korn Shell, 2.4.7. Miscellaneous Commands
character-finding commands : Learning the Korn Shell, 2.4.5. Character-finding Commands
control mode : Learning the Korn Shell, 2.4. Vi Editing Mode
delete buffer : Learning the Korn Shell, 2.4.3. Deletion Commands
deletion commands : Learning the Korn Shell, 2.4.3. Deletion Commands
enabling : Learning the Korn Shell, 2.1. Enabling Command-line Editing
entering and changing text : Learning the Korn Shell, 2.4.2. Entering and Changing Text
filename completion/expansion : Learning the Korn Shell, 2.4.6. Filename Completion
input mode : Learning the Korn Shell, 2.4. Vi Editing Mode
key customization in next ksh release : Learning the Korn Shell, A.7. The Future of the Korn Shell
keyboard shortcuts with aliases : Learning the Korn Shell, 2.4.7. Miscellaneous Commands
moving around in the history file : Learning the Korn Shell, 2.4.4. Moving Around in the History File
repeat counts : Learning the Korn Shell, 2.4.1. Simple Control Mode Commands
retrieving words from previous commands : Learning the Korn Shell, 2.4.7. Miscellaneous Commands
searching the history file : Learning the Korn Shell, 2.4.4. Moving Around in the History File
undelete commands : Learning the Korn Shell, 2.4.3. Deletion Commands
word definitions : Learning the Korn Shell, 2.4.1. Simple Control Mode Commands
in workalike shells : Learning the Korn Shell, A.6. Workalikes on PC Platforms
Videosoft VSAwk : sed & awk, 11.3.3. Videosoft VSAwk
view command : (see vi editor)
virtual consoles
Learning the UNIX Operating System, 2.1. Introduction to Windowing
UNIX Power Tools, 12.9. Running Multiple Shell Sessions with screen
UNIX Power Tools, 41.2.1. How We Made It This Far (Back?)
virtual memory performance : UNIX Power Tools, 39.5. Why Is the System So Slow?
vis command
UNIX Power Tools, 51.7. When You Get Impatient
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
C shell history compared to : UNIX Power Tools, 51.7. When You Get Impatient
-d option : UNIX Power Tools, 51.7. When You Get Impatient
display compared to : UNIX Power Tools, 51.7. When You Get Impatient
examples : UNIX Power Tools, 51.7. When You Get Impatient
rep compared to : UNIX Power Tools, 51.7. When You Get Impatient
-s option : UNIX Power Tools, 51.7. When You Get Impatient
watch compared to : UNIX Power Tools, 51.7. When You Get Impatient
VISUAL variable
Learning the Korn Shell, 2.1. Enabling Command-line Editing
Learning the Korn Shell, Editing mode variables
UNIX Power Tools, 6.3. Predefined Environment Variables
UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.3.3. Other Shell Variables
Visual Basic, awk for : sed & awk, 11.3.3. Videosoft VSAwk
visual command (ex) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 9, Reference: visual
vless script : UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
Learning the Korn Shell, Preface
Learning the Korn Shell, 1.8. Background Jobs
Learning the Korn Shell, 8. Process Handling
vmore script : UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
UNIX Power Tools, 39.12.2. The Memory Subsystem
UNIX Power Tools, 39.12.3. The I/O Subsystem
vnode numbers : UNIX Power Tools, 17.22. Finding the Links to a File
vpg script : UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
VT100 terminal
Learning the Korn Shell, Terminal Types
UNIX Power Tools, 7.8. Highlighting in Shell Prompts
vtree program
UNIX Power Tools, 16.20. The vtree Visual Directory Tree Programs
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc

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The UNIX CD Bookshelf NavigationThe UNIX CD BookshelfUNIX Power ToolsUNIX in a NutshellLearning the vi Editorsed & awkLearning the Korn ShellLearning the UNIX Operating System