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Index: R

r (alias) : Learning the Korn Shell, 2.5. The fc Command
r command (ksh, sh) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 4, Reference: r
r command (sed) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 10, Reference: r
r command (sed) : sed & awk, 5.11. Reading and Writing Files
rand() : sed & awk, 9.1.3. Random Number Generation
rand command (awk)
UNIX Power Tools, 33.11.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 11, Reference: rand
RANDOM variable
Learning the Korn Shell, EXIT
UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.3.2. Built-in Shell Variables
random number : sed & awk, 9.1.3. Random Number Generation
jot command : UNIX Power Tools, 45.11. The Multipurpose jot Command
range of characters : (see character classes)
raw mode : UNIX Power Tools, 41.2.1. How We Made It This Far (Back?)
rcp command
Learning the UNIX Operating System, rcp
UNIX Power Tools, 1.33. UNIX Networking and Communications
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: rcp
-r option : UNIX Power Tools, 18.15. Copying Directory Trees with cp -r
RCS (Revision Control System)
UNIX Power Tools, 20.12. Protecting Files with SCCS or RCS
UNIX Power Tools, 20.14. RCS Basics
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
paging through RCS files : UNIX Power Tools, 25.5. Page Through Compressed, RCS, Unprintable Files
searching files : UNIX Power Tools, 27.10. Search RCS Files with rcsgrep
rcs command (RCS) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 18, Reference: rcs
RCS subdirectory : UNIX in a Nutshell, 18.2. Basic Operation
RCS utility : UNIX in a Nutshell, 18. The RCS Utility
keyword substitution : UNIX in a Nutshell, 18.3.1. Keyword Substitution
revision numbering : UNIX in a Nutshell, 18.3.4. Revision Numbering
SCCS commands equivalents : UNIX in a Nutshell, 18.4. Conversion Guide for SCCS Users
rcsclean command (RCS) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 18, Reference: rcsclean
rcsdiff command (RCS)
UNIX in a Nutshell, 18.2. Basic Operation
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 18, Reference: rcsdiff script : UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
rcsfreeze command (RCS) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 18, Reference: rcsfreeze
rcsgrep script
UNIX Power Tools, 27.10. Search RCS Files with rcsgrep
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
RCSINIT environment variable : UNIX in a Nutshell, 18.3.7. Standard Options
rcsless script : UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
rcsmerge command (RCS) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 18, Reference: rcsmerge
rcsmore script : UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
rcspg script : UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
rcsrevs script
UNIX Power Tools, 20.15. List RCS Revision Numbers with rcsrevs
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
RD (Receive Data) light : UNIX Power Tools, 42.2.4. Stalled Data Connection?
--re-interval option (gawk) : sed & awk, Command line options
read : Learning the Korn Shell, 7.2.2. read
exit status of : Learning the Korn Shell, Reading lines from files
from files : Learning the Korn Shell, I/O Redirection and multiple commands
options : Learning the Korn Shell, Options to read
Learning the Korn Shell, Options to read
Learning the Korn Shell, 8.5.4. Coroutines with Two-way Pipes
Learning the Korn Shell, 8.5.5. Two-way Pipes Versus Standard Pipes
-r : Learning the Korn Shell, Options to read
Learning the Korn Shell, Options to read
Learning the Korn Shell, Commands
-u : Learning the Korn Shell, Options to read
syntax : Learning the Korn Shell, 7.2.2. read
from user input : Learning the Korn Shell, Reading User Input
continuing on next line : Learning the Korn Shell, Options to read
prompting : Learning the Korn Shell, Reading User Input
read( ) : UNIX Power Tools, 20.6. Writing a Tape Drive on a Remote Machine
read command
UNIX Power Tools, 9.12. The Bourne Shell for Loop
UNIX Power Tools, 44.13. read: Reading from the Keyboard
(see r command (sed))
examples : UNIX Power Tools, 44.13. read: Reading from the Keyboard
while loops using
UNIX Power Tools, 45.16. Standard Input to a for Loop
UNIX Power Tools, 45.22. Handling Files Line-by-Line
read command (ex)
UNIX Power Tools, 33.4. Useful ex Commands
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 9, Reference: read
read command (ksh, sh) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 4, Reference: read
read permission
Learning the UNIX Operating System, ls
UNIX Power Tools, 22.2. Tutorial on File and Directory Permissions
UNIX Power Tools, 22.19. Shell Scripts Must be Readable and (Usually) Executable
(see also permissions)
execute permission without : UNIX Power Tools, 22.12. A Directory that People Can Access but Can't List
read-only files : UNIX Power Tools, 22.9. Protect Important Files: Make Them Unwritable
read-only mode : Learning the vi Editor, 4.2.2. Read-only Mode
read.base program : UNIX Power Tools, 48.10. Working with Names and Addresses
reading : sed & awk, 10.1. The getline Function
email messages : Learning the UNIX Operating System, 3.4.2. Reading Your Mail
files : Learning the UNIX Operating System, 3.2. Looking Inside Files
from files
sed & awk, 5.11. Reading and Writing Files
sed & awk, 10.1.1. Reading Input from Files
from pipe : sed & awk, 10.1.3. Reading Input from a Pipe
reading email messages : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: mailx
reading in files : Learning the vi Editor, 5.4. Copying a File into Another File
README files : UNIX Power Tools, An Easy Build
Learning the Korn Shell, 6.3.4. Type and Attribute Options
Learning the Korn Shell, 10.3.4. Privileged Mode
readonly command (ksh, sh) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 4, Reference: readonly
readsource script (example) : sed & awk, 13.6. readsource - Format Program Source Files for troff
Ready-to-Run Software
UNIX Power Tools, 52.5.5. What to Do if You Have Problems
UNIX Power Tools, 52.7.1. Alternative Media
UNIX Power Tools, Copying the Sources
contacting : UNIX Power Tools, 52.9. Software Support from RTR
software support : UNIX Power Tools, 52.9. Software Support from RTR
technical support : UNIX Power Tools, Problems
real memory, maximum amount of : UNIX Power Tools, 39.3. The csh time variable
real-time priorities : UNIX Power Tools, 39.9. Know When to Be "nice" to OTher Users...and When
real-time submission : UNIX Power Tools, 39.9.3. System V C Shell nice
RECLEN variable (tawk) : sed & awk, Tawk language extensions
recomment script
UNIX Power Tools, 35.4. recomment: Clean Up Program Comment Blocks
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
recording session : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: script
records, awk
sed & awk, 2.4.1. Running awk
sed & awk, 7.5. Records and Fields
sed & awk, B.2.1. Records and Fields
arrays and : sed & awk, 8.4. Arrays
fixed-length (tawk) : sed & awk, Tawk language extensions
multiline : sed & awk, 7.7.1. Working with Multiline Records
NF variable : sed & awk, 7.7. System Variables
NR variable
sed & awk, 7.7. System Variables
sed & awk, 8.4. Arrays
sed & awk, 10.1.2. Assigning the Input to a Variable
RT variable (gawk) : sed & awk, Regular expression record terminators
separators for : (see delimiters)
recover command (ex) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 9, Reference: recover
buffers after a system crash : Learning the vi Editor, 4.2.3. Recovering a Buffer
deletions : Learning the vi Editor, 4.3. Making Use of Buffers
from numbered buffers
Learning the vi Editor, Problems with Deletions
Learning the vi Editor, 4.3.1. Recovering Deletions
with u : Learning the vi Editor, Problems with Deletions
recovering files : UNIX Power Tools, 30.24. vi/ex File Recovery vs. Networked Filesystems
recursive aliases : UNIX Power Tools, 10.6. Avoiding C Shell Alias Loops
red command
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: red
(see also ed editor)
Learning the Korn Shell, 1.7.2. I/O Redirection
Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1. I/O Redirectors
Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1.2. File Descriptors
Learning the Korn Shell, A.1. The Bourne Shell
Learning the Korn Shell, A.4. pdksh
Learning the UNIX Operating System, 5.1. Standard Input and Standard Output
UNIX Power Tools, 1.30. Redirecting Input and Output
UNIX Power Tools, 13.1. Using Standard Input and Output
UNIX Power Tools, 13.5. Redirection in C Shell: Capture Errors, Too?
UNIX Power Tools, 13.11. tpipe-Redirecting stdout to More than One Place
UNIX Power Tools, 45.20. Overview: Open Files and File Descriptors
UNIX Power Tools, 45.21. n>&m: Swap Standard Output and Standard Error
UNIX Power Tools, 46.1.1. Use -xv
UNIX Power Tools, Writing Files
UNIX Power Tools, Reading Files
sed & awk, Saving output
sed & awk, 4.3. Testing and Saving Output
sed & awk, 10.5. Directing Output to Files and Pipes
sed & awk, 10.5.1. Directing Output to a Pipe
Learning the Korn Shell, 1.7.2. I/O Redirection
Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1. I/O Redirectors
Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1. I/O Redirectors
Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1.2. File Descriptors
>&p : Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1. I/O Redirectors
Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1. I/O Redirectors
Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1.1. Here-documents
>| : Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1. I/O Redirectors
Learning the Korn Shell, 1.7.2. I/O Redirection
Learning the Korn Shell, 6.2.2. Arithmetic Variables and Assignment
Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1. I/O Redirectors
Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1. I/O Redirectors
Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1.2. File Descriptors
<&p : Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1. I/O Redirectors
Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1. I/O Redirectors
Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1.2. File Descriptors
Learning the Korn Shell, A.1. The Bourne Shell
Learning the Korn Shell, A.4. pdksh
<< : (see here documents)
| : Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1. I/O Redirectors
|& : Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1. I/O Redirectors
to code blocks : Learning the Korn Shell, Code blocks
csh and
UNIX Power Tools, 13.5. Redirection in C Shell: Capture Errors, Too?
UNIX in a Nutshell, 5.2.5. Redirection Forms
with exec : Learning the Korn Shell, exec
file descriptors
Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1. I/O Redirectors
Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1.2. File Descriptors
Learning the Korn Shell, Reading User Input
Learning the Korn Shell, Options to read
UNIX Power Tools, 45.21. n>&m: Swap Standard Output and Standard Error
to functions : Learning the Korn Shell, I/O Redirection and multiple commands
limitations in restricted shell : Learning the Korn Shell, 10.3.1. Restricted Shell
UNIX Power Tools, 45.22. Handling Files Line-by-Line
UNIX Power Tools, 45.23. The Ins and Outs of Redirected I/O Loops
to multiline flow-control constructs : Learning the Korn Shell, I/O Redirection and multiple commands
noclobber variable
Learning the Korn Shell, 3.3. Options
Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1. I/O Redirectors
Learning the Korn Shell, 10.2.3. Types of Global Customization
Learning the UNIX Operating System, The > operator
UNIX Power Tools, 6.8. Shell Variables
UNIX Power Tools, 6.9. Special C Shell Variables
UNIX Power Tools, 13.6. Safe I/O Redirection with noclobber
UNIX Power Tools, 23.7. Safer File Deletion in Some Directories
UNIX in a Nutshell, 5.3.3. Predefined Shell Variables
order in command-line processing : Learning the Korn Shell, 7.3. Command-line Processing
sh and ksh forms for : UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.2.5. Redirection Forms
standard error : (see standard error)
standard input
UNIX Power Tools, 1.30. Redirecting Input and Output
UNIX Power Tools, 13.1. Using Standard Input and Output
UNIX Power Tools, 45.20. Overview: Open Files and File Descriptors
UNIX Power Tools, Reading Files
(see also standard input)
standard output
UNIX Power Tools, 1.30. Redirecting Input and Output
UNIX Power Tools, 13.1. Using Standard Input and Output
UNIX Power Tools, 45.20. Overview: Open Files and File Descriptors
UNIX Power Tools, 45.21. n>&m: Swap Standard Output and Standard Error
(see also standard output)
tee program : UNIX Power Tools, 13.9. Send Output Two or More Places with tee
tpipe command for : UNIX Power Tools, 13.11. tpipe-Redirecting stdout to More than One Place
while loops : UNIX Power Tools, 45.22. Handling Files Line-by-Line
redo script
UNIX Power Tools, 11.14.1. In the C Shell: redo
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
redraw screen command : UNIX Power Tools, 42.5. Checklist: Screen Size Messed Up?
redrawing the screen : Learning the vi Editor, 3.1.3. Redrawing the Screen
references : sed & awk, Other Sources of Information About sed and awk
referencing arrays : UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.3.4. Arrays
referencing fields
sed & awk, 2.4.1. Running awk
sed & awk, 7.5.1. Referencing and Separating Fields
regcmp command : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: regcmp
regions, emacs commands for : UNIX in a Nutshell, 7.2.4. Paragraphs and Regions
regular expressions
Learning the Korn Shell, Summary of Korn Shell Features
Learning the Korn Shell, 4.3.2. Patterns and Regular Expressions
Learning the Korn Shell, A.1. The Bourne Shell
Learning the Korn Shell, A.4. pdksh
UNIX Power Tools, 21.14. Automatically Appending the Date to a Filename
UNIX Power Tools, 26.1. That's an Expression
UNIX Power Tools, 26.3. Understanding Expressions
sed & awk, 1.4. Four Hurdles to Mastering sed and awk
sed & awk, 3. Understanding Regular Expression Syntax
sed & awk, B.2.3. Patterns
sed & awk, B.2.4. Regular Expressions
(see also pattern matching)
! operator
Learning the Korn Shell, Regular expression basics
Learning the Korn Shell, Korn shell versus awk/egrep regular expressions
* operator
Learning the Korn Shell, Regular expression basics
Learning the Korn Shell, Korn shell versus awk/egrep regular expressions
+ operator
Learning the Korn Shell, Regular expression basics
Learning the Korn Shell, Korn shell versus awk/egrep regular expressions
Learning the Korn Shell, 6.1.1. shift
? operator
Learning the Korn Shell, Regular expression basics
Learning the Korn Shell, Korn shell versus awk/egrep regular expressions
@ operator
Learning the Korn Shell, Regular expression basics
Learning the Korn Shell, Korn shell versus awk/egrep regular expressions
compared to awk and egrep : Learning the Korn Shell, Regular expression basics
compiling : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: regcmp
as constants : sed & awk, 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
delimiters for
sed & awk, 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
sed & awk, 5.3. Substitution
dynamic, faking : sed & awk, 11.1.5. Faking Dynamic Regular Expressions
ed and : sed & awk, 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
examples of : sed & awk, 3.3. I Never Metacharacter I Didn't Like
extended : UNIX Power Tools, 26.4.11. Extended Regular Expressions
gawk extensions to : sed & awk, Extended regular expressions
in replacement strings : Learning the vi Editor, 6.3.2. Metacharacters Used in Replacement Strings
in search patterns : Learning the vi Editor, 6.3.1. Metacharacters Used in Search Patterns
lexical analysis program : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: lex
for different UNIX programs : UNIX Power Tools, 26.9. Valid Metacharacters for Different UNIX Programs
examples of : UNIX Power Tools, 26.8. I Never Meta Character I Didn't Like
metacharacters for : (see metacharacters/wildcards)
metacharacters in
UNIX Power Tools, 8.19. "Special" Characters and Operators
UNIX Power Tools, 26.4. Using Metacharacters in Regular Expressions
UNIX Power Tools, 26.10. Pattern Matching Quick Reference with Examples
operator examples : Learning the Korn Shell, Regular expression basics
order of evaluation in command-line processing : Learning the Korn Shell, 7.3. Command-line Processing
pattern context : UNIX Power Tools, 26.5. Getting Regular Expressions Right
pattern matching quick reference : UNIX Power Tools, 26.10. Pattern Matching Quick Reference with Examples
POSIX standard for : sed & awk, POSIX character class additions
relationship to wildcards : Learning the Korn Shell, Korn shell versus awk/egrep regular expressions
RS variable as
sed & awk, Regular expression record separators (gawk and mawk)
sed & awk, Tawk language extensions
searching files for
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: egrep
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: fgrep
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: grep
for sed command addresses : UNIX in a Nutshell, 10.3.1. Pattern Addressing
syntax : Learning the Korn Shell, Regular expression basics
tawk and : sed & awk, Tawk language extensions
testing : UNIX Power Tools, 26.6. Just What Does a Regular Expression Match?
union of
sed & awk, 3.2. A Line-Up of Characters
sed & awk, 3.2.9. Alternative Operations
wildcards versus : UNIX Power Tools, 26.2. Don't Confuse Regular Expressions with Wildcards
writing : sed & awk, 3.2.3. Writing Regular Expressions
rehash command : UNIX Power Tools, 4.2. A bin Directory for Your Programs and Scripts
examples : UNIX Power Tools, 44.2. Writing a Simple Shell Program
rehash command (csh) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: rehash
relational expressions : sed & awk, B.2.3. Patterns
relational operators
sed & awk, 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
(see operators, relational))
relative pathnames
Learning the Korn Shell, The working directory
Learning the UNIX Operating System, 3.1.5. Relative Pathnames
UNIX Power Tools, 1.21. Making Pathnames
UNIX Power Tools, 2.6. Use Absolute Pathnames in Shell Setup Files
UNIX Power Tools, 14.2. Using Relative and Absolute Pathnames
UNIX Power Tools, 14.3. What Good Is a Current Directory?
UNIX Power Tools, 18.6. Stale Symbolic Links
in angle brackets : UNIX Power Tools, Functions, Libraries, and Header Files
relink script
UNIX Power Tools, 18.14. Relinking Multiple Symbolic Links
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
relogin command : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: relogin
reminder mail, sending : UNIX Power Tools, 40.11. Send Yourself Reminder Mail
directories : UNIX Power Tools, 5.6. Checklist: Terminal Hangs When I Log In
echo : UNIX Power Tools, 41.2.1. How We Made It This Far (Back?)
restoration from backups : UNIX Power Tools, 20.4.2. Remote Restoring
tape drives
UNIX Power Tools, 20.5. Using tar to a Remote Tape Drive
UNIX Power Tools, 20.6. Writing a Tape Drive on a Remote Machine
remote communications (calling out) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: cu
remote files : Learning the UNIX Operating System, 4.4.6. Files on Other Operating Systems
copying : Learning the UNIX Operating System, rcp
remote host, connecting to : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: rlogin
remote logins : Learning the UNIX Operating System, 1.1.3. Remote Logins
remote shell, connecting to
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: rsh
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: rsh
remote systems
copying files between : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: uucp
remote systems, copying files between : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: rcp
removing : (see deleting)
command-line arguments : UNIX Power Tools, 44.15.2. With a Loop
open files : UNIX Power Tools, 45.10. Removing a File Once It's Opened - for Security and Easy Cleanup
self-removing scripts
UNIX Power Tools, 45.4. Fun with #!
UNIX Power Tools, 45.10. Removing a File Once It's Opened - for Security and Easy Cleanup
removing : (see deleting)
removing files : (see deleting files)
remsh command : (see rsh command)
ren command : UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
ren script : UNIX Power Tools, 18.11. Renaming Files with ren
rename script
UNIX Power Tools, 18.10. There's More than One Way to Do It
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
directories and files : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: mv
renaming buffers : Learning the vi Editor, 5.3.1. Renaming the Buffer
renaming files
UNIX Power Tools, 18.2. What's Really in a Directory
UNIX Power Tools, 18.9. Renaming, Copying, or Comparing a Set of Files
(see also copying files; moving files)
interactively : UNIX Power Tools, 18.12. Renaming a List of Files Interactively
renice command
UNIX Power Tools, 12.5. System Overloaded? Try Stopping Some Jobs
UNIX Power Tools, 39.9. Know When to Be "nice" to OTher Users...and When
UNIX Power Tools, 39.11. Changing a Job's Priority Under BSD UNIX
rep command vs. vis command : UNIX Power Tools, 51.7. When You Get Impatient
repeat command : UNIX Power Tools, 9.25. The C Shell repeat Command
repeat command (csh) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: repeat
repeating commands : UNIX Power Tools, 11.8. Repeating a Cycle of Commands
repeating last vi command (.)
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3.8. Repeating or Undoing Your Last Command
Learning the vi Editor, Repeat
character (r) : Learning the vi Editor, Characters other
global : (see global replacement)
overstriking characters (R) : Learning the vi Editor, 2.4. More Ways to Insert Text
text : (see global replacement)
replacement metacharacters : sed & awk, 5.3.1. Replacement Metacharacters
numbered saves : sed & awk, 5.3.1. Replacement Metacharacters
replacing files in archives : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: ar
replacing text
sed & awk, 1.2. A Stream Editor
sed & awk, The extent of the match
replacing text, metacharacters for : UNIX in a Nutshell, 6.4.1. Examples of Searching and Replacing
replay command (dbx) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 20, Reference: replay
REPLY variable : UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.3.2. Built-in Shell Variables
in read statement : Learning the Korn Shell, 7.2.2. read
in select statement
Learning the Korn Shell, 5.4. select
Learning the Korn Shell, 6.3. Arrays
report, summarizing execution statistics : UNIX Power Tools, 38.5. The ps Command
on active processes : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: ps
on system status : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: uustat
requests, nroff/troff : UNIX in a Nutshell, 12.4. Default Operation of Requests
rerun command (dbx) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 20, Reference: rerun
reset command
UNIX Power Tools, 5.11. Initializing the Terminal with tset
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: reset
(see also tset command)
resetting terminals : UNIX Power Tools, 42.4. Checklist for Resetting a Messed Up Terminal
resident text pages, average kilobytes of : UNIX Power Tools, 39.3. The csh time variable
resize (xterm) command : UNIX Power Tools, 42.5. Checklist: Screen Size Messed Up?
resizing windows : Learning the UNIX Operating System, 2.5.3. Resizing Windows
contention issues : UNIX Power Tools, 39.12. What Makes Your Computer Slow? How Do You Fix It?
overloaded : UNIX Power Tools, 12.5. System Overloaded? Try Stopping Some Jobs
resources for further reading : Learning the UNIX Operating System, A.1. General UNIX Books
UNIX documentation : Learning the UNIX Operating System, 7.1. Standard UNIX Documentation
restart command (lpc) : UNIX Power Tools, 43.3. Printer Control with lpc
restarting at jobs automatically : UNIX Power Tools, 40.8. Automatically Restarting at Jobs
restore command (dbx) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 20, Reference: restore
Restore menu item (mwm) : Learning the UNIX Operating System, 2.5.4. The Window Menu
restricted shell : Learning the Korn Shell, 10.3.1. Restricted Shell
installing as a user's login shell : Learning the Korn Shell, 10.3.1. Restricted Shell
restrictions : Learning the Korn Shell, 10.3.1. Restricted Shell
role of .profile in : Learning the Korn Shell, 10.3.1. Restricted Shell
restricted shells : UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.9. Restricted Shells
retrieving data from files : sed & awk, 7.11. Information Retrieval
return : Learning the Korn Shell, Return
RETURN characters : (see newline characters)
return command (awk)
UNIX Power Tools, 33.11.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 11, Reference: return
return command (dbx) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 20, Reference: return
return command (ksh, sh) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 4, Reference: return
RETURN key, not needed with commands : UNIX Power Tools, 45.32. A Better read Command: grabchars
return statement
sed & awk, 9.3. Writing Your Own Functions
sed & awk, 9.3.1. Writing a Sort Function
reverse linefeeds, displaying : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: col
Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)
Learning the Korn Shell, 8.5.4. Coroutines with Two-way Pipes
Learning the Korn Shell, 8.6.2. Nested Subshells
revision control
RCS utility : UNIX in a Nutshell, 18. The RCS Utility
SCCS utility
UNIX in a Nutshell, 17. The SCCS Utility
UNIX in a Nutshell, 18.4. Conversion Guide for SCCS Users
revision control programs
file versions and : UNIX Power Tools, 1.15. Filenames
Revision Control System : (see RCS)
revision control systems : sed & awk, 10.7.1. Make a Copy
revision marks : (see execute permission)
revision numbers (RCS) : UNIX in a Nutshell, 18.3.4. Revision Numbering
rewind command (ex) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 9, Reference: rewind
.rhosts file : UNIX Power Tools, 20.5. Using tar to a Remote Tape Drive
right angle bracket : (see >)
rksh : (see security, restricted shell)
rksh command : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: rksh
rksh command (ksh, sh) : UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.9. Restricted Shells
rlog command (RCS) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 18, Reference: rlog
rlogin command : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: rlogin
rlogin utility
UNIX Power Tools, 1.33. UNIX Networking and Communications
UNIX Power Tools, 2.4. Tip for Changing Account Setup: Keep a Shell Ready
UNIX Power Tools, 2.12. Automatic Setups for Different Terminals
stalled connection with : UNIX Power Tools, 42.2.4. Stalled Data Connection?
rm : Learning the Korn Shell, 8.4.2. Process ID Variables and Temporary Files
rm command
Learning the UNIX Operating System, rm
UNIX Power Tools, 23.2. rm and Its Dangers
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: rm
-b option : UNIX Power Tools, 21.11. Safer Removing, Moving, and Copying
-f option
UNIX Power Tools, 23.10. Deletion with Prejudice: rm -f
UNIX Power Tools, 44.12. Trapping Exits Caused by Interrupts
-i option
UNIX Power Tools, 21.11. Safer Removing, Moving, and Copying
UNIX Power Tools, 23.4. Answer "Yes" or "No" Forever with yes
UNIX Power Tools, 23.5. Remove Some, Leave Some
UNIX Power Tools, 23.7. Safer File Deletion in Some Directories
rmdel command (SCCS) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: rmdel
rmdir command
Learning the UNIX Operating System, rmdir
UNIX Power Tools, 23.17. Problems Deleting Directories
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: rmdir
(see also mkdir command)
root directory
Learning the Korn Shell, 1.6.1. Directories
Learning the UNIX Operating System, 3.1.3. The Directory Tree
UNIX Power Tools, 1.19. The Tree Structure of the Filesystem
UNIX Power Tools, 1.21. Making Pathnames
installation process and : UNIX Power Tools, An Easy Build
root menu : Learning the UNIX Operating System, 2.3.3. The Root Menu
root user
password for
UNIX Power Tools, 1.23. File Access Permissions
UNIX Power Tools, 1.24. The Superuser (Root)
su command and : (see su command)
root window : Learning the UNIX Operating System, 2.3.3. The Root Menu
rot program
UNIX Power Tools, 35.23. Rotating Text
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
rotating text : UNIX Power Tools, 30.22.2. Filtering Text with vi
rprnt character : UNIX Power Tools, 9.3. Reprinting Your Command Line with CTRL-r
rprnt key : UNIX Power Tools, 5.9. Setting Your Erase, Kill, and Interrupt Characters
RS variable : sed & awk, 7.7. System Variables
regular expression for
sed & awk, Regular expression record separators (gawk and mawk)
sed & awk, Tawk language extensions
rsh command
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: rsh
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: rsh
(see also sh (Bourne shell))
rsh command (ksh, sh) : UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.9. Restricted Shells
rsh utility
UNIX Power Tools, 1.33. UNIX Networking and Communications
UNIX Power Tools, 20.6. Writing a Tape Drive on a Remote Machine
restoring from remote tape drives : UNIX Power Tools, 20.5. Using tar to a Remote Tape Drive
RT variable (gawk) : sed & awk, Regular expression record terminators
rtrpatch.pcal file : UNIX Power Tools, Applying Patches
RTS (Request to Send) : UNIX Power Tools, 41.2.4. Flow Control (We Hope)
RTS/CTS flow control
UNIX Power Tools, 41.2.4. Flow Control (We Hope)
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: stty
RUBOUT key : Learning the UNIX Operating System, 1.1.7. Correcting a Mistake
rules, pattern-matching : (see pattern matching)
run command (dbx) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 20, Reference: run
running processes, core images for : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: gcore
runsed script
UNIX Power Tools, 4.3. Organizing Nonexecutable Scripts
UNIX Power Tools, 34.3.2. runsed
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
runtime script
UNIX Power Tools, 39.4. Average Command Runtimes with runtime
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
ruptime command : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: ruptime
rwho command
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: rwho
(see also who command)

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The UNIX CD Bookshelf NavigationThe UNIX CD BookshelfUNIX Power ToolsUNIX in a NutshellLearning the vi Editorsed & awkLearning the Korn ShellLearning the UNIX Operating System