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Index: G

g command : UNIX Power Tools, 11.7. History Substitutions
g command (ed) : sed & awk, 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
g command (sed) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 10, Reference: g
G command (sed)
sed & awk, 6.3. Hold That Line
sed & awk, 6.3.2. Correcting Index Entries (Part II)
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 10, Reference: G
g substitution flag
sed & awk, 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
sed & awk, 5.3. Substitution
gawk scripting language
UNIX Power Tools, 33.11. Quick Reference: awk
UNIX Power Tools, 50.12. Common UNIX Error Messages
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
UNIX Power Tools, Installing a Single Program
sed & awk, 10.8. Limitations
sed & awk, 11.2.3. GNU awk (gawk)
UNIX in a Nutshell, 11.1. Command-line Syntax
(see also awk scripting language; nawk scripting language)
built-in functions : sed & awk, Additional functions
built-in variables : sed & awk, Additional variables
multiple files and : sed & awk, 10.5.2. Working with Multiple Files
version history : UNIX Power Tools, 33.12. Versions of awk
gcc C compiler : UNIX Power Tools, Missing Programs
gcore command : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: gcore
gencat command : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: gencat
general form of vi commands : Learning the vi Editor, Words
generating filenames : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: basename
generating random numbers : sed & awk, 9.1.3. Random Number Generation
gensub() : sed & awk, A general substitution function
gent script : sed & awk, 13.7. gent - Get a termcap Entry
get command : (see G command (sed))
get command (ftp) : Learning the UNIX Operating System, ftp
get command (SCCS)
UNIX Power Tools, 20.13. SCCS Basics
UNIX in a Nutshell, 17.2.2. Retrieving a File
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: get
getline command (awk)
sed & awk, 10.1. The getline Function
sed & awk, 10.4. A Menu-Based Command Generator
sed & awk, 11.1.9. The getline Function
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 11, Reference: getline
getmac script : UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
getopt command
Learning the Korn Shell, Summary of Korn Shell Features
Learning the Korn Shell, 6.1.3. getopts
Learning the Korn Shell, A.1. The Bourne Shell
UNIX Power Tools, 44.16. Handling Command-Line Arguments with a for Loop
UNIX Power Tools, 44.18. Standard Command-Line Parsing
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
examples : UNIX Power Tools, 44.18. Standard Command-Line Parsing
parsing output : UNIX Power Tools, 44.18. Standard Command-Line Parsing
getopts command
Learning the Korn Shell, 6.1.3. getopts
Learning the Korn Shell, 6.2. Integer Variables and Arithmetic
Learning the Korn Shell, A.1. The Bourne Shell
UNIX Power Tools, 44.16. Handling Command-Line Arguments with a for Loop
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 4, Reference: getopts
UNIX Power Tools, 44.17. Handling Arguments with while and shift
Learning the Korn Shell, 6.1.3. getopts
gettxt command : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: gettxt
getty program : UNIX Power Tools, 38.2. fork and exec
Gisin, Eric : Learning the Korn Shell, A.4. pdksh
glass ttys : UNIX Power Tools, 41.2.1. How We Made It This Far (Back?)
glimpse script
UNIX Power Tools, 27.8. glimpse and agrep
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
glob command (csh) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: glob
global addressing : sed & awk, 4.2. A Global Perspective on Addressing
global command : (see g command (ed))
global command (ex)
UNIX Power Tools, 33.4. Useful ex Commands
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 9, Reference: global
global replacement (vi) : Learning the vi Editor, 6. Global Replacement
collecting lines : Learning the vi Editor, Collecting Lines
confirming : Learning the vi Editor, 6.1. Confirming Substitutions
Learning the vi Editor, 6. Global Replacement
Learning the vi Editor, 6.2. Context-sensitive Replacement
delete blank lines : Learning the vi Editor, 6.4.3. More Examples
delete variable text string : Learning the vi Editor, Deleting an Unknown Block of Text
different character as pattern delimiter : Learning the vi Editor, 6.4.3. More Examples
inserting lines : Learning the vi Editor, 7.3.3. Protecting Keys from Interpretation by ex
lines that don't match : Learning the vi Editor, 6.4.3. More Examples
on text blocks : Learning the vi Editor, 6.4.2. Block Move by Patterns
one or more characters : Learning the vi Editor, 6.4.3. More Examples
pattern matching : Learning the vi Editor, 6.3. Pattern-matching Rules
repeat an ex command : Learning the vi Editor, Using :g to Repeat a Command
reverse line order : Learning the vi Editor, 6.4.3. More Examples
reverse word order
Learning the vi Editor, 6.4.3. More Examples
Learning the vi Editor, Switching Items in a Database
search for class of words : Learning the vi Editor, 6.4.1. Search for General Class of Words
Learning the vi Editor, 6. Global Replacement
Learning the vi Editor, 6.2. Context-sensitive Replacement
undoing : Learning the vi Editor, 6.1. Confirming Substitutions
uppercase conversion : Learning the vi Editor, 6.4.3. More Examples
whole word
Learning the vi Editor, 6.4. Pattern-matching Examples
Learning the vi Editor, 6.4.3. More Examples
global variables : sed & awk, 9.3. Writing Your Own Functions
glossary program (example) : sed & awk, 8.4.3. A Glossary Lookup Script
gmon.out file : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: cc
gnroff program
UNIX Power Tools, 43.17. Don't Have nroff? Try gnroff or awf
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
GNU : Learning the Korn Shell, A.5. bash
GNU awk
(see awk scripting language)
(see gawk scripting language)
GNU Emacs : (see Emacs editor)
GNU fileutils : UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
GNU make utility : UNIX Power Tools, Missing Programs
GNU project : sed & awk, Availability of sed and awk
GNU sed, error messages : sed & awk, Command garbled
"go" character : UNIX Power Tools, 41.2.4. Flow Control (We Hope)
goto command (csh) : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: goto
gprof command
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: gprof
(see also lprof command; prof command)
UNIX Power Tools, 44.13. read: Reading from the Keyboard
UNIX Power Tools, 45.32. A Better read Command: grabchars
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
graphical user interface (GUI)
Learning the Korn Shell, 1. Korn Shell Basics
Learning the Korn Shell, A.3. wksh
conversion programs : UNIX Power Tools, 43.25. The Portable Bitmap Package
formatting in nroff/troff : UNIX in a Nutshell, 16.3. Pic
pbm (portable bitmap) : UNIX Power Tools, 43.25. The Portable Bitmap Package
pgm (graymap) format : UNIX Power Tools, 43.25. The Portable Bitmap Package
pnm format : UNIX Power Tools, 43.25. The Portable Bitmap Package
ppm (pixmap) format : UNIX Power Tools, 43.25. The Portable Bitmap Package
Graphics script : UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
Greek characters (Eqn preprocessor) : UNIX in a Nutshell, 16.2.4. Greek Characters
grep command
Learning the Korn Shell, Summary of Korn Shell Features
Learning the Korn Shell, 1.7.1. Standard I/O
Learning the Korn Shell, 4.3.2. Patterns and Regular Expressions
Learning the Korn Shell, Regular expression basics
Learning the Korn Shell, Korn shell versus awk/egrep regular expressions
Learning the Korn Shell, 4.4. Command Substitution
Learning the Korn Shell, 5.1.2. Combinations of Exit Statuses
Learning the Korn Shell, 5.2. for
Learning the Korn Shell, 7.2.2. read
Learning the Korn Shell, Code blocks
Learning the Korn Shell, 8.2.2. Suspending a Job
Learning the Korn Shell, 10.1. Installing the Korn Shell as the Standard Shell
Learning the Korn Shell, 10.3.2. A System Break-in Scenario
Learning the UNIX Operating System, 5.2.1. grep
UNIX Power Tools, 9.16. Command Substitution
UNIX Power Tools, 27.1. Different Versions of grep
UNIX Power Tools, 27.2. Searching for Text with grep
UNIX Power Tools, 27.8. glimpse and agrep
UNIX Power Tools, 27.9. New greps Are Much Faster
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
sed & awk, 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
sed & awk, 4.4.2. Making Changes Across a Set of Files
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: grep
(see also agrep script; egrep command; fgrep script; hgrep script)
addup script using : UNIX Power Tools, 49.7. Total a Column with addup
-c option
UNIX Power Tools, 15.8. Getting a List of Non-Matching Files with grep -c
UNIX Power Tools, 49.7. Total a Column with addup
compound searches : UNIX Power Tools, 27.14. Compound Searches
customizing prompt character : UNIX Power Tools, 1.9. Which Shell Am I Running?
customizing with perl : UNIX Power Tools, 27.12. Make Custom grep Commands (etc.) with perl
directory trees and : UNIX Power Tools, 17.20. grepping a Directory Tree (and a Gotcha)
example of
UNIX Power Tools, 1.4. Using Pipes to Create a New Tool
UNIX Power Tools, 49.7. Total a Column with addup
-f option : UNIX Power Tools, 44.17. Handling Arguments with while and shift
file searches with
UNIX Power Tools, 9.24. Get File List by Editing Output of ls -l, grep, etc.
UNIX Power Tools, 9.24.2. Search for Text with grep
-i (case insensitive)
Learning the Korn Shell, 4.4. Command Substitution
UNIX Power Tools, 17.21. lookfor: Which File Has that Word?
-l option
Learning the Korn Shell, 4.4. Command Substitution
UNIX Power Tools, 9.16. Command Substitution
UNIX Power Tools, 15.7. Getting a List of Matching Files with grep -l
older BSD version of : Learning the Korn Shell, 4.4. Command Substitution
redirecting output : UNIX Power Tools, 45.20. Overview: Open Files and File Descriptors
multiline : UNIX Power Tools, 27.11. A Multiline Context grep Using sed
pattern-matching metacharacters : UNIX in a Nutshell, 6.2. Metacharacters, Listed by UNIX Program
sed with
UNIX Power Tools, 27.11. A Multiline Context grep Using sed
UNIX Power Tools, 27.15. Narrowing a Search Quickly
with type-ahead feature : UNIX Power Tools, 9.19. For the Impatient: Type-Ahead
-v option
UNIX Power Tools, 27.3. Finding Text That Doesn't Match
UNIX Power Tools, 45.5. A File That Shows Itself... and What #! Does
UNIX Power Tools, 51.4. Who's On?
-w option : UNIX Power Tools, 27.4. Finding a Pattern Only When It's a Word
gres program : sed & awk, 3.2.11. What's the Word? Part II
groff program
UNIX Power Tools, 43.16. groff
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
group ID (GID) : UNIX Power Tools, 38.3. Managing Processes: Overall Concepts
grouping commands (sh) : UNIX Power Tools, 13.8. Using {list} to Group Bourne Shell Commands
grouping operations : (see parentheses)
grouping sed commands
sed & awk, 4.2.1. Grouping Commands
sed & awk, 5.1. About the Syntax of sed Commands
UNIX Power Tools, 17.16. Searching by Owner and Group
UNIX Power Tools, 22.2.2. Which Group is Which?
UNIX Power Tools, 22.13. Groups and Group Ownership
(see also SGID (set group ID) bit; users)
changing/specifying : UNIX Power Tools, 22.5. Group Permissions in a Directory with the setgid Bit
defined : UNIX Power Tools, 22.2.1. User, Group, and World
denying permission by : UNIX Power Tools, 22.14. Add Users to a Group to Deny Permission
displaying for user : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: groups
file ownership for, changing : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: chgrp
listing IDs for : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: id
logging in to : UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: newgrp
newgrp command : UNIX Power Tools, 22.13. Groups and Group Ownership
searching by : UNIX Power Tools, 17.16. Searching by Owner and Group
groups command
UNIX Power Tools, 22.13. Groups and Group Ownership
UNIX Power Tools, 22.15. Juggling Permissions
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: groups
groups program : UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
sed & awk, 9.2. String Functions
sed & awk, 9.2.3. Substitution Functions
sed & awk, A general substitution function
gsub command (awk)
UNIX Power Tools, 33.11.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 11, Reference: gsub
gunzip utility
UNIX Power Tools, 19.5. Using tar to Create and Unpack Archives
UNIX Power Tools, 19.7. Extracting Files from a Compressed Archive
UNIX Power Tools, 24.7. Compressing Files to Save Space
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
gxcat command : UNIX Power Tools, 24.7. Compressing Files to Save Space
.gz filename extension : UNIX Power Tools, 1.17. Filename Extensions
gzcat script
UNIX Power Tools, 19.7. Extracting Files from a Compressed Archive
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
in Bourne shell scripts : UNIX Power Tools, 44.15.1. With the $@"
examples : UNIX Power Tools, 44.15.1. With the $@"
gzip utility
UNIX Power Tools, 19.5. Using tar to Create and Unpack Archives
UNIX Power Tools, 24.6. Save Space with Tab Characters
UNIX Power Tools, 24.7. Compressing Files to Save Space
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
file extension : UNIX Power Tools, 1.17. Filename Extensions

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The UNIX CD Bookshelf NavigationThe UNIX CD BookshelfUNIX Power ToolsUNIX in a NutshellLearning the vi Editorsed & awkLearning the Korn ShellLearning the UNIX Operating System